A lot has been said about the right outfit if you are working from home. Running a video meeting while you sit there in your pyjamas does probably not convey the right message.

It is true: Your video partners cannot see your shoes; at least not when you are sitting upright.

We claim that they can feel it even if they are not aware of it.


How do you want to convey authority wearing your comfy socks? Your entire appearance is literally based on your feet. Hence it seems logical that your shoes have an impact on your appearance.

Shoes have a influence on your posture, on the way you speak, you negotiate and finally on the impression you give to your business partners.

In fact, shoes can make or break one’s outfit or even one’s business since more than 80% of your communication is non-verbal.


We suggest you do the test for yourself.

  • Sit in front of your laptop in a business outfit but barefoot or in socks
  • Try the same with a shoe you like and which matches your attires

We are quite sure you can feel the difference.


Dress the same way as when you visit a client. In other words the shoes have to match the outfit.

Of course in winter you will put on warm boots which do not make sense in your home office. Replace the boots with a pair of pumps or loafers.

Maybe your company’s dress code does not allow sandals and you are obliged to wear pumps or loafers all the time. If it matches the temperature and the weather, your home office is the perfect place to try your matching sandals.

Comfy socks are exactly that: comfortable and made to relax.

Shoes are made to win. Choose them well.
