A story about a brand’s culture

If you have been reading here for a while, you know that our collections are catching buyers’ attention at various fashion events around the world.

Maybe you’re wondering what makes Stilettissimo different from other shoe brands. To answer this question, we have to start at the very beginning: me, the founder.

I happen to wear shoe size 34 (UK 1 | US 4) which for a grown up person is very limiting. Needless to say, I know everything about “shrinking shoes”. If I found shoes in my size, their style was for women not below 105 years of age. While this is a rather rare problem I also didn’t like the quality of most shoes, regardless of their size, no matter the price.

I believe that shoes are the base of any outfit. You stand in them, they influence your gait, and they have the power to make or break your entire outfit.

Brigitte Kobi | Stilettissimo


And, I wanted all. I wanted true luxury.

Brigitte Kobi | Stilettissimo

Luxury in my mind consists of great style, first-class and sustainable materials, comfort, and made by true artisans who understand their trade.

After months of research, and thousands of miles of travelling, countless rounds of trial and error, Stilettissimo is the product I promised myself I would arrive to.

This is why we are offering you our glorious models.