You already know that Stilettissimo luxury shoes are handcrafted in Italy by the best artisans in the country. You also know, that all our shoes are designed in Switzerland, as they are our own.

Maybe you have already read my book «The Future Is Extraordinary». If you haven’t, I invite you to do so by clicking on this link.

This book tells you the complete story: from the decision to start, the reasons why, the principles we follow, and why heels are ageless.


The book also explains the design process, which brings me to the topic of this post. My way of working differs from that of other designers and probably from your idea of how a designer works. You know, my design procedure is heavily influenced by years of working in the IT industry which means I don’t carry the mandatory sketchbook with me like other designers and artists do.




You might wonder what my sketches look like, what the original idea is, and how it compares to the final product and its story.

I am excited to tell you that I now share some of my original sketches alongside images of the actual shoes. In other words, I am sharing a piece of a designer’s mind.

To get the sketches and more behind-the-scenes information, I invite you to subscribe to Stilettissimo Notes.



To keep it interesting for you, I can tell you that there are more new models to come than you find in the book.